By purchasing a subscription you:
1. Instruct CRM Subscribe acting on behalf of Adventure Entertainment to supply your contact information and order details on the subscription form to Adventure Entertainment and/or the necessary publishing entity for any magazine to which you have subscribed;
2. Agree that the magazines offered through the magazine websites are offered by the publisher and that any contract for the subscription for a magazine is between you and the publisher.
3. Agree to receive email communications from Adventure Entertainment and its supplier partners with information on products and services in relation to your purchase. To access our Privacy Policy go to
4. Agree that Adventure Entertainment and its employees and agents will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage arising from or as a consequence of any act or omission by Adventure Entertainment or any person providing services through the magazine sites; and
5. Agree that all offers made, contracts concluded and services provided through the magazine websites shall be deemed to be made and provided in Australia notwithstanding the location of you or the publisher or distributor of any magazine or any other person, shall be governed exclusively by Australian law, and the Courts of Australia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any such matters involving or alleged to involve Adventure Entertainment.
6. Agree to the terms and conditions published below.
Adventure Entertainment Subscription Services Terms & Conditions
Home > Adventure Entertainment Subscription Services Terms & Conditions
Effective Date: 1 October 2023
This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions which apply to the use by you of the Adventure Entertainment Pty Ltd sites (as dened below) and any other subscription product or service offered for sale by Adventure Entertainment and/or its aliates (collectively, “Adventure Entertainment“). The right to use any product or service offered by Adventure Entertainment is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person or entity.
1. Denitions
The “Adventure Entertainment sites” shall mean all areas and any subscription or other paid products and services offered or available on the interactive online service operated by Adventure Entertainment on the World Wide Web. The Adventure Entertainment sites consist of information services and content provided by Adventure Entertainment, aliates of Adventure Entertainment and third parties.
2. Trademarks All trademarks appearing on the Adventure Entertainment sites are the property of their respective owners, including, in some instances, Adventure Entertainment.
3. Subscription Services Adventure Entertainment makes available to users certain online and print subscription services, and other paid services and products. The following terms and conditions shall apply in the event that you subscribe to any subscription service or services offered by Adventure Entertainment on the Adventure Entertainment sites (the “Subscription”):
3.1. Subscription Terms
3.1.1. We currently offer a number of magazine subscriptions, set to expire after the agreed term.
3.1.2. We also offer continuous subscription terms, in the instance that you are offered and accept a continuous subscription service, your Subscription will continue until Adventure Entertainment receives notication of termination from you as described in subsection
3.3 below. In this process you authorise Adventure Entertainment to charge the credit card or bank account, you provided during the registration process, the current fees and charges for each subsequent term according to the subscription plan chosen by you.
3.1.3. If you subscribed for a single specied term you will be notied by Adventure Entertainment before the account designated by you lapses, after that term. You can extend your subscription at any time.
3.1.4. You are responsible for any charges associated to connecting to the Adventure Entertainment sites, including but not limited to, any telephone line charges or any Internet access provider charges. You shall provide Adventure Entertainment with accurate, complete and updated information as to your name and e-mail address and credit card/PayPal account information provided by you at registration. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.
3.1.5. In order to manage subscriptions to magazines through the websites of Adventure Entertainment, you will need to establish an account. Do not reveal your password or other account information to anyone else, as you are responsible for all activities that occur through your account. If you’re concerned that the security of your account has been compromised, contact Subscriber Services immediately on
3.1.6. Pricing is in Australian Dollars, includes GST and delivery to the geographic zone identied as the delivery address. If a delivery location is not shown, this means that the product is not available for delivery to that location. Savings are based on the annual cover price.
3.1.7. The price you pay is xed at the time of ordering. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure the delivery detail is correct, Adventure Entertainment takes no responsibility for errors in the delivery address given to us when the product is to be fullled by us.
3.1.8. Your subscription will commence with the next available issue unless specied otherwise.
3.1.9. If as part of the subscription offer you are eligible to receive a free gift, or you win a prize, it will arrive separately from your magazine subscription. Your gift or prize will be posted to the payer of the subscription (unless otherwise stated) once the promotion has ended. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Gifts advertised are only available while stocks last and if stocks have been exhausted your subscription will take effect without the free gift. No refunds will be issued or replacement gifts offered where stocks have expired. Gifts are non-refundable.
3.1.10. Please understand that ‘tip-ons’ and gifts that may be available with non-subscriber retail copies may not be provided with print subscriber copies, at Adventure Entertainment’s discretion, and will not be provided with digital editions. Adventure Entertainment in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the gift. The Promoter is neither responsible nor liable for any gift damaged in transit in the delivery of their gift.
3.2. Changed Terms Adventure Entertainment shall have the right at any time to impose, change or modify its fees and billing methods, or other terms and conditions applicable to your use of the Subscription or to impose new terms and conditions. Such changes, modications, additions or deletions shall be effective immediately upon notice thereof, which may be given by means including, but not limited to, posting on the Adventure Entertainment sites a revised version of this Agreement or notication by electronic or conventional mail. If any such change is unacceptable to you, you may terminate your Subscription as provided in subsection
3.3 below. Any use of the Subscription by you after such notice shall conclusively be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such changes, modications, additions or deletions. You agree to review the terms and conditions periodically to be aware of such revisions. You may also be subject to additional terms and conditions imposed by third party content providers in connection with third party content, software or services. Where the frequency of a magazine changes, you will receive the number of issues of the magazine that were being published annually at the time your subscription was purchased.
3.3. Termination
3.3.1. Either you or Adventure Entertainment may terminate this Agreement at any time. Your only right with respect to any dissatisfaction with (i) any terms and conditions of this Agreement, or policy or practice of Adventure Entertainment in operating the Adventure Entertainment magazines or sites, (ii) content available through the Subscription or change therein, or (iii) amount or type of fees or billing methods, or change therein, is to terminate this Agreement by sending notice to Subscriber Services, Adventure Entertainment, PO BOX 161 Hornsby NSW 1630, by e-mail sent
3.3.2. Notice of termination will be effective upon receipt by Adventure Entertainment.
3.3.3. Without limiting the foregoing, Adventure Entertainment shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement with respect to any user which Adventure Entertainment, in its sole discretion, considers to be unacceptable, or in the event of any breach by you of this Agreement.
3.3.4. In the event that your account is terminated or cancelled, no refund of any fees, including monthly membership fee, will be granted. Adventure Entertainment in its discretion may offer a proportionate refund or a substitute product.
3.3.5. The provisions of sections 5, 6, 7, and section 8 of the general terms of use shall survive termination of this Agreement.
3.3.6. Fees paid for any Subscription are paid in advance and are not refundable in whole or in part, provided, however, that in the event of termination by Adventure Entertainment for any reason other than breach of this Agreement by you or termination by you in accordance with this subsection
3.3 of this Agreement in which you identify the termination as resulting from changed terms, Adventure Entertainment shall make a pro rata refund to you.
3.4. Liability Agree that Adventure Entertainment and its employees and agents will not be liable in contract or tort (including negligence), equity or on any other basis to you or any other person for any loss, injury or damage arising from or as a consequence of any act or omission by Adventure Entertainment or any person providing services through the or related sites.
4. Products and Other Services With respect to products and services offered for sale by Adventure Entertainment and third parties or through the Adventure Entertainment sites: you shall be informed of all terms of the offer, including but not limited to pricing, methods of payment, shipping and handling, credit card information, PayPal account information, sales tax, return and refund policies and applicable privacy policies on the screen where you make the purchase.
5. Third Party Digital Newsstand Sales For third party digital newsstand sales, Adventure Entertainment accepts no funds directly from consumers and employs third party vendors to manage their own digital transactions and fullments. Funds for digital sales made through these third party digital newsstands remain with them, and all purchase and refund queries must be directed to the appropriate third-party vendor. Our current vendors are: Zinio, Press Reader, Apple iTunes and Google Play.
5.1. Auto Renewing Subscriptions – All iOS subscription purchases are made using an auto-renewing subscription model. All iOS subscription purchases will automatically renew at the completion of the initial time period unless the ‘auto-renewal’ option is disabled by the purchaser within their iTunes account. If the purchaser does not disable the ‘auto-renewal’ option before the end for the initial subscription period they will automatically be charged at the original purchase price and resubscribed for the previously purchased term.
5.2. Auto Renewing Subscriptions – Print subscriptions will by default be set to auto-renew. To opt out of auto-renewal you must uncheck the auto-renew option at purchase or contact Adventure Entertainment.
5.3. In the event of a magazine changing publisher, there will be no transfer of digital subscriptions purchased. Customers will need to contact the digital provider to secure a refund, and re-purchase through the publishers new digital offering, either with the same service or another.
6. Digital/Print Bundling and Digital Sales As a print subscriber you are eligible to exclusive discounted pricing to ‘bundle’ the print with a digital subscription. The pricing for the digital component is discounted, and only available to those purchasing a print subscription and when purchased for a minimum of a 1 year (12 month) term via the relevant magazine website. Existing digital subscriptions cannot be combined post-purchase. Entry into any prize giveaway, premium offer or competition is only available with the purchase of a print subscription element, so for a bundled subscription but not with a digital only subscription.
6.1 Purchase of a digital only subscription can also be made from the magazine website at the rates shown.
6.2 Refunds and conversions In the event that a subscriber to a bundled print and digital subscription is seeking a refund for one or other component, a calculation will be made to determine the remaining issue entitlement to either an ongoing print only or digital only subscription – please contact Subscriber Services on
On cancellation of the print component, the stand alone digital pricing will apply in place of the preferential bundled rate. The remaining credit held against the subscription will be divided pro rata against the standard pricing at the time to determine an entitlement to a quantity of digital only issues.